Antique Granary Door (Dogon People, Mali)

Antique Granary Door (Dogon People, Mali)

27.5 x 17 x 3.5 ″Hand carved of hardwood.

This granary door was constructed and designed by the Dogon People of the Republic of Mali. Elevated to keep its contents safe from rodents, these doors are typically squared or rectangular in proportion and designed to pass the hand through a smaller opening so to remove small amounts of grain. Additionally, among the Dogon wealthy, these doors are conceptualized as icons of abundance, security, and power. This object features highly stylized carvings, symbolizing “the plunging movement of Noah’s Ark, expectant with new life and guided from the sky by the mythic blacksmith Nommo. The depiction of crocodiles and rainbows refers to Nommo and his descent to Earth” (Santa Monica College 2021).

Santa Monica College. 2021. “The Dogon Cliff Dwellings with Granaries…”
Santa Monica CA: Santa Monica College.



Additional information

Weight 11.35 lbs
Dimensions 3.5 × 17.0 × 27.5 in

20th Century


Hand carved of hardwood.


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